Optimal And Impedimental Traits Of Every Zodiac Sign - Theshecannetwork

Optimal and impedimental traits of every zodiac sign

Looking to determine your zodiac signbased strength astrology views all signs equally each zodiac sign has strengths and faults and well list them for a complete list of zodiac signs pros and cons read on

Leo a natural leader the lion can be selfish leo naturally leads confident and charismatic they always want to be right and feel significant leo also craves attention they enjoy compliments and are selfish july 22–august 22 element fire planet sun rules most compatible aries sagittarius libra

Capricorn the goat is hardworking but manipulative capricorn is ambitious and practical they value their careers capricorn likes to plan and choose people who can help them their bluntness might damage individuals december 22–january 19 element earth ruling planet saturn most compatible taurus virgo scorpio

Scorpio scorpions solve problems but are distrustful scorpio is focused and driven to solve riddles theyre slow to trust scorpios can be paranoid due to their keen observations of others october 23–november 21 element water mars and pluto rule most compatible pisces capricorn cancer

Aries rams are brave but impulsive aries isnt frightened of fight and will defend themselves and others aggressive aries their anger impatience and rashness can cause problems march 21–april 19 element fire ruling planet mars most compatible leo gemini sagittarius

Taurus though diligent bulls can be materialistic the tenacious taurus is reliable and patient this useful thickskinned sign gets stuck taurus likes status symbols they love money and its comforts and luxuries april 19–may 20 element earth planet venus rules most compatible taurus virgo capricorn

Sagittarius though flighty the archer is optimistic sagittarius appreciates traveling and sees the bright side they enjoy freedom and enjoyment sagittarius flees when things get monotonous or tough theyre not good at keeping promises november 22–december 21 element fire ruling planet jupiter most compatible aries gemini libra

Virgo a practical virgin can be crucial virgos are cautious they adore giving advise and always assume theyre right they may offend or annoy others with their knowitall attitude august 23–september 22 element earth the planet mercury rules most compatible taurus capricorn virgo